You have exactly what you need for where you are today!

‘You have exactly what you need right now, for where you are today.’ – Joel Osteen

Yes, you do.

I really like this statement. Why? Because it is 100% true.

You have exactly what you need today for where you are in life.

Not too long ago I was having a low day - yes, we coaches have low days as well. It’s life.

I was feeling down, I was struggling to find the right venue for one of my workshops. The venues were either too small, cost way too much or were not in the right location. I had a set time on when I wanted to secure the venue by and was seeing little hope for me to secure the right venue. I was feeling disheartened.

The next day I woke up early and I thought to myself, okay Ayesha I need a little time out. I needed to take my focus away from the venue and focus on what is going right. I thought I should get a little motivation and inspiration. I went on YouTube and found an inspiring video. I came across one of Joel Osteen’s videos. In that video he started off with a message stating that ‘You have exactly what you need today for where you are today’. I was like, that is so true. I paused the video and turned to my partner and said I have everything that I need for where I am today so why am I so sad? It was like a light bulb moment. A moment of realisation. As if I was sleeping and just woke up.

I knew this. But it was like I forgot.

I then had to meditate on that message for a moment and really understand what exactly that message was telling me.

It was telling me that I have all that I need to complete the task for that that day; I have all that I need to live the day that I am meant to be living on that day. I have all the resources, the people, the support, the love, the knowledge, the equipment, the information… I had everything that I needed for that day, for where I was in my life. And that is all I needed to know.

This message allowed me to remember that I have so much abundance in my life, so much to be grateful for. I am wealthy.

  • I’m wealthy with love.

  • I am wealthy with knowledge.

  • I am wealthy with information.

  • I am wealthy with resources.

  • I am wealthy with people.

I have all the food, I have all the money, I have all the resources, and I have all the skills I need for today.

Sometimes when things are not going our way we start to forget what we do have and what is actually going our way.

It’s like we cannot see the blessing before our eyes.

We start to think negatively, therefore only see things in a negative light.

Funnily enough, that very day was the day that I secured the perfect venue for my workshop. The venue was better than what I anticipated. And guess what helped me to find and secure it? Remembering what I already have and thinking that I need make use of my resources.

So now, I just want to leave you with this. No matter what your situation is, or what you may be experiencing right now. You have everything that you need for where you are right now.

This includes;

The lessons that you need to learn - The situation that you are in has lesson that you need to learn for where you are right now.

The people you need - You already have the people in your life that you need right now. Utilise them, learn from them, help them or ask what you need from them.

The resources you need - You have all the resources that you need for where you are today.

Start using and appreciating what you already have today, rather than what you don’t have; when you do, you will start to attract more of what you need to grow and move forward in your life.



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