Solution Focused Hypnotherapy
With Ayesha Giselle Dornelly CPHT, CHNC(Reg)
Do you know what you want, know what you want to feel, how you want to behave but can’t seem to make it happen? Do you feel as though there are these hidden mental and emotional blocks which you cannot seem to overcome and just keep getting in your way? It’s as though there is a part of you that you have no control over, and is working against you?
‘96% of human behaviour is controlled by the subconscious mind’
The part of you that you are struggling to have control over, and that drives most of your emotions and behaviours is your subconscious mind. Your subconscious mind is just like a hard drive. It is where all of your past information is stored such as your thoughts, beliefs, memories & habits, behaviour patterns. The subconscious mind controls our automatic behaviours, actions and reactions.
If left uncheck your subconscious mind will keep doing the same thing over and over again.
By learning how to stimulate the communication between the conscious (of what we are aware of) and the subconscious minds ( which we are unaware of) is a powerful tool in which you can influence your mind for success, happiness and a better life.
The way to simulate communication between the conscious and subconscious mind is done through what we call hypnosis or trance.
Hypnosis or ‘trance’ is a very natural, relaxing state. Trance is when the two minds – your conscious and subconscious minds - come together and focus on the same thing. When we are in this state, we have access to the subconscious mind. Hypnosis is used to create a state of focused attention and increased suggestibility during which positive suggestions and guided imagery are used to help individuals deals with a variety of concerns and issues.
Solution Focused Hypnotherapy:
Solution focused hypnotherapy is a modern psychotherapeutic approach, practical structured, and well-researched strategies to help the client make a significant, positive changes in their lives in a relatively short period. SFH is a type of ‘talking therapy’ that combines the use of psychology with hypnosis. The positive suggestions during the hypnotherapy session will then enter your subconscious mind. Once a suggestion has been accepted by the subconscious mind - which happens when you regularly feed your subconscious mind – will become easier for those suggestions to be acted upon.
If you…
Feel lost and stuck in life and don’t know where to turn
Struggle with feelings of low self-worth, low confidence or feel undervalued
Struggle to manage your emotions, anxiety, depression, and or overwhelmed with stress
Find it difficult to manage your anger which is damaging your close relationships and making it difficult for you to hold down a stable job
Feel stuck in the past and haunted by negative memories and experiences
Beat yourself up regularly for things you say or do
Feel stuck and unable to free yourself from troubling emotions, anxiety, shame or traumatic memories.
Struggling with negative patterns of thinking, behaviour, addictions or feelings of low self-worth for some time and can’t find a way to move forward.
Suffer from panic attacks, fear of rejection, failure, intimacy or abandonment, or you avoid certain situations in order to feel safe.
I can help you.
I understand that each individual is different and come with different wants, desires and needs, therefore my sessions are always tailored to fit each individual client.
I can help you bridging the gap between where you are now and where you want to be.
I offer both online and in person session in a relaxed setting.
If you would like to find out more Book your FREE 1-hour consultation with me.
Areas I work with:
Anger management
Self-Image/ Attractiveness/ Self-love
Confidence/self-esteem issues/ Resiliance Building
Depression/low mood
Fear and Panic attacks
Low motivation
Sexual issues
Sleeping problems
Sports performance
Stress Management
Unwanted habits
Weight management
Working with teens
Personal Development/ Positive Life Change
Relationships & Friendships
Fear of rejection, failure, intimacy or abandonment
Financial worries
Performance – Goal Setting, public speaking, motivation, procrastination
Suicidal Thoughts
Generalised Anxiety Disorder(GAD)
Panic Disorders
Body Dysmorphic disorder
Social Anxiety
Benefits of hypnotherapy:

Improve the quality. Fall asleep quicker, sleep deeper & stay a sleep longer.

Deep relaxation. Reduce negative anxious thoughts.

Activates the body’s natural relaxation response. Reduce heart rate. Decrease blood pressure.

Put you back in control of your life, your body, your relationships & environment.

Override the amygdala hijack to reduce resistance to change.

Directly influence your subconscious mind, core beliefs, thinking patterns & behaviours to take action.

All natural. No meditations. No chemicals.

Activate the creative part of your mind.

Increased focused attention and awareness enhanced by hypnotic suggestions and repetitions.
Solution Focused Hypnotherapy Pricing
In person
1 Session = £90
5 Session = £405 (10% off)
10 Session = £765 (15% off)
1 Session = £80
5 Session = £360 (10% off)
10 Session = £680 (15% off)
As a registered member of CNHC you maybe able to get reimbursement for your treatment. Click here for Funding For Your Hypnotherapy Treatment
What my Clients are saying:
“Before I started hypnotherapy session with Ayesha, I was experiencing anxiety and panic attacks as well as sleep issue. Since working with Ayesha, I have regained my confidence, my sleep has improved drastically. I am a lot more relaxed, calm and look forward to the future instead of feeling dread. What I liked most about having hypnotherapy sessions with Ayesha was the combination of hypnotherapy and practical solution focused work. I tend to overthink and so it helped to work on my subconscious as well as my wellbeing.I have done various types of therapy and I just felt I needed something different but wasn’t sure what. I would recommend Ayesha Giselle solution Focused Hypnotherapy because it doesn’t take long to see results. The benefits I have received from SFH is an Increased confidence and happiness and embarking on new projects that I am excited about. Before I started SFH I was dealing with regular anxiety, worry, low mood and energy. Now I am no longer afraid to try new things and put myself out there. My life going in directions I hadn’t quite anticipated” - Marva (10 Sessions)
"Before I started my hypnotherapy sessions with Ayesha, I had no notion of how to organise the various aspects of my business, I struggled with imposter syndrome, I threw epic tantrums when things did not go my way, my work-life balance was completely out of whack and the mere idea of interacting with clients filled me with utter horror. Having hypnotherapy session with Ayesha helped better work-life balance, I am more confident speaking to clients, I feel that my life is more organised, I handle conversations better, and I am better at forecasting for future events. What I like most about my sessions was her insight, intelligence, dedication to me as her client. I wish I had signed up much sooner so my life would be in order much a lot quicker than now. The only way is up from here on. The main reason that I did not seek help sooner was the idea that I should be able to have a grasp on my life without any help would have held me back. The final kick was realising that we all need some help sometimes. You can’t put a price tag on the happiness, joy and peace you feel when Ayesha works her magic on you. The main benefits I received from having hypnotherapy with Ayesha is that I am more in control of my life, I feel less anxiety when it comes to managing my life, and more confident running my business. I am no longer overwhelmed by the idea of managing my life, and my temper tantrums are a thing of the past. My business is thriving, I am taking on more clients comfortably and still have time to manage my personal life with ease. What surprised me the most from this whole experience is the peace of mind of knowing I can handle anything that comes my way" - Suraya, London (8 Sessions)
“I felt like this was very helpful. I would even go as far as saying - it was life changing... Ayesha was able to change my life by making me realise that all of the fears I had were irrational. She didn't only make me realise that I could overcome these fears... she also made me realise HOW to do so. She is very professional and speaks to you in a tone that is relaxing, puts you at ease and also helps you get comfortable. This is what allows you to open up and share how you are feeling. You don't feel like you are being judged... you feel like you are talking to a family member, a friend etc. I would highly recommend a session with her - as you won't regret it. In order to make a difference in your life, you have to take that step to seek help and become a better person. If you want to become a better version of yourself, booking a session to see Ayesha would be taking the right step... Thank you Ayesha! I appreciate your help and I will definitely be seeing you again in the future" - Jay, London (3 Sessions)
"Ayesha Giselle is the truth as day follows night. Extremely professional and on point. She gave me 3 amazing Hypnotherapy sessions which have literally changed my life. There is so much more focus and clarity in how I execute my day to day and thats all the difference I have needed. I highly recommend you give her a try and am sure that you will not be disappointed" - Bode Sharp ( Business Coach), London (3 Sessions)
Very insightful. Through I understood the science of stress and anxiety, Ayesha explained it in a way that was practical, and could immediately start altering my liefstyle to reduce stressful situations. I look forward to more sessions” - Su
”Today we explored setting intentions. Accepting reality and finding a positive outlook & understanding how the brain works. The hypnotherapy was very relaxing. As a result of today session, I was able to set my goals for the following day” - Cherelle
”Morning Ayesha, Thank you for the consultation it was realy helpful, at first I just wanted to see what all the fuss was all about with hypnotherapy, but at the end of the session, I really enjoyed it and found it helpful. Felt fresh and had a limp in my walk afterwards. I believe these sessions are good for me, and I would like to continue using your services. Thank you. Look forward to our next session” - John
”This was our first session. Ayesha really took her time with explaining to me how our brains work and how that affects our everyday life. So much of what she said made sense and helped things click for me. This session put words to certain abstract thoughts and and feelings I have had for so long. Especially the connection between our fight, flight and freeze responses and depression, anxiety and anger. It just made so much sense, like a piece of the puzzle I didn’t realize I was looking for. In this session, taking the time to be transparent and clear about everything helped put my mind at ease. It made me more confident in my decision that this is something that could help me. Thanks to all the new information I learnt today, I was able to recognize when my anxious behaviour was taken over my day and not allowing me to do what I wanted to do today. It’s just day one so pulling myself out and changing my behaviour was hard and I’m not perfect, but I think I’ll sleep better tonight because I was a bit more intentional with balancing my stress with more positive interactions” - Princess