Do you wonder how people view you?

Do you ever wonder how people experience you?

Do you ever think to yourself ‘why do I keep getting ghosted’?

Do you struggle to get on with others?

Do you notice people withdrawing from you?

Do you find it difficult to connect with others on a deeper level?


Sometimes we struggle to understand how we are perceived by those around us.

We can often be uncertain, confused, or even completely unaware of what we project.

We sometimes assume how we are perceived but that it not a true reflection of how we are really showing up from another person’s perspective.

If you struggle to connect with other, are often in conflict with family, friends or colleagues; or find that people always seem to withdraw from you, then maybe it’s time to find out how you show up in life.

There is no other way to get a true account of how people perceive you than by going straight to the source. Asking those who you interact with how you show up from their perspective.

You might think, why should I care. I don’t care what others think about me…

It’s not about people’s ‘opinion’ of you. 

It’s not about changing yourself to fit into what other people want you to be…

But instead, being self-aware and knowing how you show up so you can build deeper connections and communicate better.

Knowing how you show up is a huge advantage in life that we don’t often tap into.

You can take control of a lot of different situations, by becoming self-aware:

·         Get people to listen to you at work and socially

·         Help you connect with others

·         Help you come across with impact

·         Feel more in control when you are out of your comfort zone

·         Improve your communication skills

·         Build better more stratifying relationships

·         Improve your dating life


Recently I gave one of my clients a challenge to complete the …. To find out how she shows up in her dating life. The feedback she received was a game changer for her …

… She’s been struggling for some time to understand what is holding her back in her dating life.

She was struggling to connect with guys…

What the exercise revealed, is that although she has many wonderful qualities, she often comes across as “emotionally available with men”,  she often came across “too conscious of not wanting to seem like she was 'chasing a guy” so the relationship is in the guy’s hand and he then hold the power in her dating life.

This exercise held the answers to her burning questions, in the most honest and truthful way.

The results she received highlighted what she does unconsciously that sabotages her dating life…

See, the thing is, if she had not done this exercise she may not have known or understood to the level that she now does, how her behaviours or actions held her back…

But now with this new information, she has the power to change the game.

She now knows what she projects… she is able to use this information to take control of her dating life in the most powerful way… like a game of chess.

If you want to find out how you show up in your life, whether that be …

… In your work relationships and how you come across to your colleagues…

… In your dating life

…or in you close relationship i.e. Friends & Family

Then grab your copy of the ‘How people perceive your questionnaire’

This exercise will put YOU in the driver seat where it comes to your relationships.

This exercise is not for the faint hearted… however, if you are ready to take control of how you are perceived, increase your personal power, your confidence and how you connect with others… You will want this!


How people perceive you questionnaire
Sale Price: £1.99 Original Price: £4.99

Grab you copy of the ‘How people perceive your questionnaire’

Only £1.99

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