Confidnce & Accountabilty:

“I choose to get coaching to get out of my comfort zone with my business. I choose Ayesha as my coach because I really liked her passion and approach. I needed someone to guide me and hold me accountable for the steps I need to make myself. To be stricter with me than I am with myself! To keep me accountable and on the right track. Before I started coaching with Ayesha I was stuck in a bit of a rut. I was at a new stage in my career and wanted to use coaching as a turning point, to push myself rather than stay safely in my comfort zone. The main problem I was facing before I started my coaching with Ayesha was that I was not reaching my business potential. I felt like I was just coasting along but not really living my dreams, playing it too safe. My main goal was to have a greater sense of self-confidence, self-esteem and self-compassion – both in my work and other aspects of my life – and an overall feeling of wellbeing and balance. More specifically, to consistently pitch more regularly and more ambitiously (new and more prestigious publications, as well as regular editors); to be commissioned to write a feature for a mainstream print magazine or newspaper (i.e. not just online outlets and commercial clients); to regularly eat well and work out (4-5 times a week) without thinking of it as a chore but as something that enhances my physical and mental health, and helps me work more productively. During the time I received coaching from Ayesha I pitched to new publications, working with new clients, boosted my income -gained 2 new clients, returned to freelancing full-time, improved my business, cancelled my overdraft, and separated business and personal expenses. Ayesha really  challenged me to push past my fears and stop making excuses. A word I would use to describe Ayesha’s coaching is Reassuring - really made me feel like my fears were normal but my goals were achievable. Since working with Ayesha I am more confident. I've pitched to editors and had commissions from publications I never dared approach before, and feel so much more confident in my own ability going forward. Ayesha is really passionate about dragging people out of their comfort zones and helping them live their best possible lives. Would definitely recommend! I enjoyed learning to track my habits and be more accountable. Ayesha really tapped into what was holding me back and helped me understand how I sabotage my own goals, so I can recognise when I'm doing the same in future”

  • Sarah Graham (Journalist)

Imposter Syndrome & Temper Tantrums:


Before I started my hypnotherapy sessions with Ayesha, I had no notion of how to organise the various aspects of my business, I struggled with imposter syndrome, I threw epic tantrums when things did not go my way, my work-life balance was completely out of whack and the mere idea of interacting with clients filled me with utter horror. Having hypnotherapy session with Ayesha helped better work-life balance, I am more confident speaking to clients, I feel that my life is more organised, I handle conversations better, and I am better at forecasting for future events. What I like most about my sessions was her insight, intelligence, dedication to me as her client. I wish I had signed up much sooner so my life would be in order much a lot quicker than now. The only way is up from here on. The main reason that I did not seek help sooner was the idea that I should be able to have a grasp on my life without any help would have held me back. The final kick was realising that we all need some help sometimes. You can’t put a price tag on the happiness, joy and peace you feel when Ayesha works her magic on you. The main benefits I received from having hypnotherapy with Ayesha is that I am more in control of my life, I feel less anxiety when it comes to managing my life, and more confident running my business. I am no longer overwhelmed by the idea of managing my life, and my temper tantrums are a thing of the past. My business is thriving, I am taking on more clients comfortably and still have time to manage my personal life with ease. What surprised me the most from this whole experience is the peace of mind of knowing I can handle anything that comes my way.

- Suraya CEO of Propinners


Stuck, Struggling, Low Self-Confidence & Self-worth:

“Before I started coaching with Ayesha, I wanted to take control of my life, 100%. I was dealing with a lot of unresolved childhood traumas and I was living in survival mode, lack and limitations. I didn’t have confidence in myself and for a long time I thought that even Ayesha couldn’t be of any help in the long term but eventually Ayesha made me realise that if I don’t do the work, nothing will change. And that I'm no longer alone in this journey. That helped a lot.

The results and accomplishments I made since working with Ayesha;

  • I believe in myself way more than I ever had.

  • I have a different mindset, I'd say à winning one.

  • I transformed my career by switching from the worst employee to being promoted to a managerial position!

  • I passed my driving test.

  • I took the first step to seek therapy.

  • I created a system that enables me to keep on going in my life.


  • I started my weightless journey.

  • I am stronger.

  • I feel more at peace with myself.

  • I read more!

  • My level of self-confidence has increased.

  • I see possibilities and not obstacles.

  • I have a side business now.

The reason I did not get coaching earlier is because I was certain that no one could help me. Ayesha revolutionised my life. When Ayesha made me talk to my inner child. I knew how traumatised my inner child has been but I didn't realise that my inner child was still hurting. That's because I never gave her the opportunity to start her healing process. My inner child needed love, attention, protection, validation, forgiveness, acknowledgement of the fact that she's just a child and shouldn't have to deal with everything she dealt with. And she needed all if those things from me.

If you are thinking about hiring Ayesha as your coach I would recommend you to do it, because this might be the miracle you've been praying for. I was reluctant to get help as well in the beginning, then I decided to give it a try and I am so grateful that I had taken this step.

If you keep on doing what you've been doing, you'll keep on getting the very same results. Sometimes we think that we can figure it all out by ourselves but how long has it been ? Months? Years? And you're still in that same spot? Don't waste your life and get help from Ayesha. You'll thank yourself later.

My main concerns that would have prevented me from signing up for coaching was thinking that no one could help me but after the first session I was excited!

Ayesha will help you tremendously. The only thing is that she'll make you be accountable for your actions. So you can't put the blame on other people or your circumstances for too long. It's hard sometimes but it's needed. Because then you'll begin to take action. And you know that there's no growth without pain. Therefore let's stop living the life of others and let's start living your own. In the meantime let's heal from everything. Let's gain confidence and be the powerful person we are destined to be! She'll help you with your lack of confidence issue. And that only will change both of our lives lol.

Before I started coaching with Ayesha life was very hard. I was used to struggle, lack, limitations in every area of my life. I was in a very bad place mentally and I have given up on life. I was just living for the sake of it but I was in tremendous pain.

Less than a year later my mindset has changed. I know now that I can do and have nice things in my life. That I'm no exception. My life has changed as well. I'm happy more often than I'm not, which is an unfamiliar feeling.

Wow. So many things have made me so happy since I hired Ayesha as my coach! I started to take care of myself, having dates with myself, journaling, being more consistent. I started to take care of my appearance. As Ayesha always says "When we look good, we feel good."

  • Aisha

Procratination & Time Management:

“Ayesha is the truth as day follows night. Extremely professional and on point. She gave me 3 amazing Hypnotherapy sessions which have literally changed my life. There is so much more focus and clarity in how I execute my day to day and that’s all the difference I have needed. I highly recommend you give her a try and am sure that you will not be disappointed.

Before I had my sessions with Ayesha, I had an issue with procrastination and time management. It was a night mare, constantly chasing time to keep up with the things that I needed to do.

During the hypnotherapy sessions I found clarity around why I have been procrastinating and how it has led to time management issues. I have been able to slow down my hectic lifestyle and control the pace of things.

Ayesha was organised in how structured our session were, they were very engaging and open for me to ask questions and give the answers. She is clearly informed and educated on the subject matter so I always felt like I was getting support from an expert. Ayesha is the truth, she has the knowledge, experience, education and expertise to provide you with the support that you need.

What surprised me the most is how quick and effective the tools are in enabling me to make things easier for me.

 Bode Sharpe - Business & Life Coach

Business Coaching:

“Ayesha had approached me about online coaching originally as she was see what I was trying to start up and thought she could definitely help, which I was more than happy to take her up upon as she's a long-time friend and somebody I trust to have my best interest when it comes to growing my business. The most important thing to me for choosing Ayesha as my coach was her expertise. Before I started coaching with Ayesha business and work life was okay but disorganised from a business perspective, which i couldn't of maintained once workload grew, Ayesha helped me with a few simple tasks breakdown my working day, with time allocation and business task importance in terms of growth for my business. The main problems I was facing before starting coaching was Time allocation, and being too much of a visionary, I have a lot of ideas I tend to try and do all at once Ayesha, thoroughly explained and broke down why this wouldn't work As well as help me focus on one task and the best plan of action to take to complete. Ayesha would also send though other ideas she may have seen, during her day which she thinks may help me, which is going above and beyond. Outside of session time which I really appreciated. My main goal when starting coaching was to grow my business, bringing out own fitness video/programme. During the time working with Ayesha I was able to focus on creating a programme, I was able to structure my day oppose to doing tasks as an when I felt helped save on time dramatically, which in turn helped increase my client base, my business has improved as well as my finances. During my time coaching, my partner was expecting a baby, and not only did Ayesha help me with lifestyle and work balance prior baby she also helped and understood my time would no longer be the same and helped with revisiting and structuring a new plan through having a child. Since working with Ayesha I have learnt invaluable marketing tools and techniques, better planning, and how to structure my work. Ayesha has helped me with goal planning, showing me how to focus on one main goal at a time and taught me how to break my goals down into smaller bitesize steps in order to achieve my main goal. My time management, balance with work and lifestyle has all improve since working with Ayesha. Also often when I had ideas but wasn't sure as I would focus on the negative "what could go wrong" opposed to the positive and would let myself-doubt get in my way, Ayesha would help install confidence in sessions to help me realise to focus on the positives, which is another invaluable lesson. So often at the end of a session I would have a positive outlook on tasks ahead. Something Ayesha would say herself, for the coaching to work you would have to be honest which is something I realised, self-accountability is a quality you'd either need to have or obtain, Ayesha is there to help you, not to judge your shortcomings. For anyone looking to work with Ayesha I would say if you have a vision but not sure how to execute, Ayesha can help you get there. Knowing you had somebody in your corner helping you to plant the seeds to grow a successful business is the best thing about working with Ayesha. I am very thankful for Ayeshas help, valuable tools learned, her understanding and problem solving and ideas are second to none, results driven, strong and confident individual which is infectious”.

  • Jerelle - Personal Trainer (JReal Fitness)


Relationships & Dating:

Before I started my coaching sessions, I wasn’t taking enough control of my dating life and wanted to prioritise finding my life partner. I needed to know that I was taking steps in this area of my life, and not miss the opportunity of having a family because I have avoided and not put the time in and tried. Also, to not look back and think I’m responsible for not finding this person. I had been dipping in and out of dating the last 3 or 4 years. I didn’t have enough faith and therefore motivation to keep persisting with online dating. I was wasting my time by logging on, starting conversations with people then not getting back to people quick enough or abandoning online dating for another few weeks, and starting the cycle over again. I needed someone to make me accountable and make sure I didn’t continue this cycle.

By the end of the 6-month coaching session with Ayesha, I’ve got a boyfriend! Even though half of the sessions I was in lockdown and couldn’t physically move my goal forward by meeting people.

My guy is so emotionally mature, has the same sense of humour as me and a has very very kind heart. He’s exactly the guy I was hoping to meet and so much more. He tells me how he feels about me and is pushing the relationship forward. He communicates straightforwardly about what he wants and thinks and this trait is so precious to me. I have struggled before to be open about what I want in the early stage of meeting someone and have generally taken time to speak my truth about what I want and expect from a relationship. I didn’t want to come across too needy or open up when I didn’t need to, if after a few dates the guy wasn’t what I was looking for. But with coaching I was straight in there from the beginning, expressing what I wanted. A few months on this feels like this is an embedded trait within myself. I have continued to ask questions and say how I feel, before overthinking anything or drawing conclusions. It is still sometimes a little hard in the moment to open up, but I just remember that this is far better than letting anything sit in my head and cause unnecessary anxiety and potentially sabotage a relationship by drawing the wrong conclusions.

What I liked most about my coaching sessions with Ayesha was having the structure of a 2-week check in. For me, every week would have been a little hard to keep up with. 2 weeks was perfect to have a week to digest, mull things over and prepare. Week 2 was about working more consciously or actively towards my goal and on the homework. Having a point of view/different take on the issue I was working through and someone to challenge the true thoughts behind my words. I really enjoyed being recommended books every couple of weeks, which were relevant to the journey I was on at that point in the coaching cycle. That really helped me understand and develop from where I was at. And the books were so interesting.

My main concerns before starting coaching sessions was the cost, but it was good to have the options receiving a discount if you paid upfront as opposed to instalments. And once that was done, I didn’t have to consider money again for the duration of the coaching. I also had to make sure that I was in the right place and had the time emotionally and practically to get the most out of the coaching. If I had too many other things going on it would have been difficult to get as much out of it as I did. Lockdown meant I had the time to really focus.

If you are looking for honest advice and to be challenged by what your words really mean. If you are looking for someone to help clarify your goals and remind you of them, keep you on the right path and call you out when you are making excuses or not following through that I would recommend Ayesha as your coach.

Ayesha will give you warm and positive support, but also is someone who is tough, someone who will challenge your thoughts and words, so you really learn about yourself. You will get a burst of energy each session to motivate you.

Opting for a 6-month coaching package gave me a clear stretch of time to mapped out and focus on my goal which meant I had the time and space to go through the ups and downs of working through the process of achieving my goal.

What made me choose coaching with Ayesha over other things I could have done was that I had experienced a 5-day life coaching holiday with a group of people before and had spent much personal time reading and coaching myself. So, I wanted to do a different approach of one to one coaching. I always intended to work with Ayesha at some point in the future after coming to her I love me workshops.

What I benefited most from this whole experience is learning how to structure my personal development over a strict time frame. Not rushing ahead for instant progress or not having a goal in sight. I’m using this structure to work towards other things in life. Another benefit is - A relationship! And one where I honestly could not have expected to be as real as it is. Doing much much less overthinking in all areas of life. Just trying to communicate there and then or as soon as I find myself thinking about something that’s bothering me.

Before I started the coaching sessions with Ayesha I wasn’t as direct about what I thought and how I felt, particularly in the moment. Now I always try to react and communicate there and then, not sitting on anything and allowing my brain to think when I could find out what I want there and then. I was fearful I wouldn’t get the family future I wanted. And this was causing me to be passive at times. Now I am free to look forward.

I am now more open and share my feelings freely. I don’t worry what someone will think or how they will interpret what I say. I don’t even worry much about that myself now neither. I don’t panic and judge my thoughts. My feelings and thoughts are what they are and it is good to share them even without a solution in mind. This gives my partner (or potential pater before it was official) the opportunity to understand and to help/work as a team. Not coming to the table with a conclusion or judgement is a massive weight of my mind! And reduction in anxiety!

What I appreciated the most was having unlimited email support, even though I didn’t use it much but I intended to if situations arose between sessions. It was comforting to know the support wasn’t just limited to every session each 2 weeks.

- H

Direction & Goal Setting:

I was not sure what to focus on before I started coaching with Ayesha. I was changing my life strategy every week. I was confused about where I was heading. I was spreading myself too thin.

Thanks to Ayesha’s coaching I set out specific goals and achieved them = found a new career and started building my own brand on the side.

What I liked most about working with Ayesha is how she always made sure I was aligned with my goals. I loved Ayesha’s energy. I would recommend Ayesha, because she will help you to be clear on what is it exactly that you wish to accomplish. Then, you will set a strategy on how to do that. Out of all my future goals, Ayesha helped me to choose the one that is most needed right now.  

You need Ayesha to help you make sense of all that you wish to achieve. You need to approach your goals one step at a time. Ayesha will help you to choose the right goal for right now in your life.

Now I am focused and clear about my goals.

I got 3 new job opportunities that challenge and excite me.

I’ve created a budget / finance journal to help manage my money and improve my financial situation.

I’ve started a YouTube channel.

I’ve started building my own brand / across all social media channels.

I’ve become clear on who I want to be.

I created a weekly schedule to put structure into my routine and so that I could fit in my activities.

The best decision I made was to finally leave my family business which I’ve been wanting to do for a while and starting a new life.


Anxiety, Low Mood, Worry & Sleep Issues:

Before I started hypnotherapy session with Ayesha, I was experiencing anxiety and panic attacks as well as sleep issue. Since working with Ayesha, I have regained my confidence, my sleep has improved drastically. I am a lot more relaxed, calm and look forward to the future instead of feeling dread. What I liked most about having hypnotherapy sessions with Ayesha was the combination of hypnotherapy and practical solution focused work. I tend to overthink and so it helped to work on my subconscious as well as my wellbeing.

I have done various types of therapy and I just felt I needed something different but wasn’t sure what.

I would recommend Ayesha Giselle solution Focused Hypnotherapy because it doesn’t take long to see results. The benefits I have received from SFH is an Increased confidence and happiness and embarking on new projects that I am excited about.

Before I started SFH I was dealing with regular anxiety, worry, low mood and energy. Now I am no longer afraid to try new things and put myself out there. My life going in directions I hadn’t quite anticipated.

  • Marva

“It was really helpful to know that there are others who have the same fears as I do and I felt comfortable in admitting my insecurities to you, Ayesha. Your warmth and encouragement really helped. Thank you!”

- Leia – ‘I Love Me’ Workshop Participant

“I enjoyed exploring the idea of who I need to become in order to achieve what I want to achieve. From the discussion I now know I need to become more discipline, be passionate about what I do and be focused. I understand that if I work on these qualities I am preparing myself for what is to come”

- Kelvin.D- Student  – Empowerment and Elevation Workshop Participant

"The session with Ayesha was refreshing, informative and insightful. Ayesha came across professionally and you could sense she was passionate about giving advice, answering questions and sharing her own personal experiences which made her come across as genuine. She gave great advice and shared some good tips around moving on from past relationships and personally helped me see things from a different perspective. From the session I found her points around trusting very interesting alongside how important it is to move on from a relationship in order to let someone new into your life. She was approachable, warm and friendly with the ability to bring the group together whilst making us feel comfortable and at ease with sharing our past experiences with each other".


"Ayesha is straight talking, personable life coach who gives relevant and honest advice.

Her approach and insight is refreshing, she was able to look at situations where things had happened in my past, to understand how I could have addressed it and how ways I could improve myself for the future.

I have never done any life coaching sessions before, so it was great that she was able to put me at ease and to help me really think about ways I can address scenarios. I really enjoyed my session with Ayesha as I have been implementing the advice she has given me to build better relationships

Thank you so much, Ayesha"

Kay (Events Organiser), London

“The three month, coaching period with Coach Ayesha Giselle was timely within the programme of change and challenges that I had set for myself.  I wanted and needed to make a change in my life, but wanted support to do this.  I did not want to work on this process by talking with family and friends I wanted someone independent from that.

Ayesha was an effective and through coach with effective insight, to direct me to the questions that I needed to ask myself.   The constant positive attitude made change seem a lot easier. The directing back to me the client was what I needed as the coaching approach enabled me to see I had the answers, I can find the answers, I can make the answers work for me.  Ayesha’s Coaching is fun and creative and takes me to a place of being myself on all levels of my life.  Coaching with Ayesha enabled me to review and set targets that are real and to question oneself from a different perspective, which is not wishy-washy, not wide, not a false comfort blanket.  Coaching with Ayesha enabled me to maintain my programme of change, I’m happily moving on and the change is now part of me that I am.

Ayesha’s method enabled me to remain on the path and keep the focus and easily pull it back if it slipped.  What I have achieved in three months has presented me with so many opportunities; all I can do in my life is continue to move forward.  I no longer see negative as a choice for me, in any situation. I feel a greater sense of peace within myself and based on my current choices my life has only one path of moving forward and upwards.”

- Mayokun

“I had music coaching sessions with Ayesha for 6 sessions. During this time I was able to see my progress clearer than ever. Sometimes it can be hard to motivate yourself to get your tasks completed. Having tasks set for me, which were suited to my needs, was extremely helpful and gave me that extra drive. Having to review my progress on a regular basis showed me how effective and important it is to do this every once in a while, it gave me clarity and was a confidence booster to be able to see that I was always moving forward. I feel that the sessions have helped me learn more who I am as a person and as an artist. Ayesha is very encouraging in a way that I’ve never experienced before and some of my biggest achievements occurred during the time I was being coached by her”

- Bow Promise- Singer

“Ayesha has an honest and tough approach, she has high expectations and is one person who will believe in you even if you don’t.  She is very committed to helping you achieve you goals.  Ayesha is very understanding and will not let you give up. She will encourage and draw out the best in you. Ayesha will not beat around the bush, she says it as it is and will tell you when you are not committing 100%. This has helped me to achieve my goals in the short amount of time.”

- Nathan - Apprentice

"Having life coaching sessions with Ayesha was one of the best decisions I made in 2012, her down to earth personality and immense passion to help others succeed in all areas of their life has been of tremendous benefit to me. Our sessions together were not always easy however, I always knew that she was on my side giving that extra little push when I needed it to allow to break through the barriers of 'self-doubt'. I am now equipped with some valuable tools that I will use for the rest of my life, I highly recommend that if anyone needs help in getting a sense of direction in their life that they go to Ayesha as she will pull the best out of you!"

- Khalid- Stylist

"Since life coaching with my Life Coach Ayesha, it has allowed me to be more open minded to views that I frowned upon. As an outcome of my coaching lesson I now tend to look at the positives aspects of life whereas previously I would always be negative and narrow-minded.

Thomas Boakye- Serco Team Leader

"I have outlined goals and have a good understanding of what I have to do to get there. I completed my Scrum master course. I am now a certified Scrum Master. And I now have my first business proposal/plan. I'm currently working on my first business launch thanks to Ayesha's help".

– Delene

"Hi Ayesha, the features editor of Marie Claire came straight back saying she was interested, would take to her pitch meeting later that afternoon. She also invited me in for a cup of tea to discuss ideas. I’m so happy. Thank you so much for your help’

– Sarah Graham Journalist

“Thanks Ayesha, I found that so inspiring and useful! Literally didn't stop writing notes, pages of them. Everything you said made so much sense and was explained really well with clarity : ) Thanks!

- Heather

“I wanted to get coaching to help me get started on my business, I needed help with organizing my time and needed structure. I choose to work with Ayesha as I figured she's be on a level as I knew her from before however this was also why i wasn't sure, and because of her realness i decided to give her a go and it worked out. What was most important when choosing Ayesha Giselle Coaching services was that It's affordable for me and I trusted her.  My primary reasons for wanting coaching was because I have the potential to achieve more and would like to invest in myself, I wanted to up my life a few levels rather than waiting for it to happen on its own. I have just turned 30 and it's time to tap in the power I posses in order to tap into the potential. Before I started coaching with Ayesha My life was good, i just was not as productive. i had so much i wanted to do, and didn't know where to start. I wasn't sleeping and I felt like i needed to make a change. My main goal before starting coaching. i had about 10! Since receiving 1:1 coaching with Ayesha I have outlined goals and have a good understanding of what i have to do to get there. I completed my Scrum master course and i also write my first business proposal. I am a certified Scum Master. I’m currently working on my first business launch thanks to Ayesha's help. My filing of my outgoings are all now in order . I love my coaching and that's why I  have decided to carry on with another 6 months. There is so much I want to achieve and being coached by Ayesha is definitely a step in the right direction. I'm now more focused on what I want. Knowing the direction i'm going to take in order to reach my goals. Now this may change slightly however i know where to start. I would recommend Ayesha because she is good and she cares. Ayesha keeps me on track. I like the fact that my program is tailored to my needs. Ayesha listens to what I need and creates my assignments based on my needs”

Delene (6 Month Premium Client)

“I chose to get coaching as I felt my life was going round in circles and I needed to change something! I chose Ayesha as she has a very positive attitude which is very hard to have in today's world. Speaking with Ayesha in general I can see that she knows her craft just from general conversation. Before I started coaching with Ayesha I was not satisfied with certain situations in my life I needed change. I had problems with time management and finance. I was not able to do other things in my life because of how I use my time also how I was managing my money. My main goal I wanted to achieve through coaching was to sort out my finances and time in order to make the next move in my life. Ayesha made me realize how to appreciate the small things in life and see how much I have going for me. Rather than to look at life and complain about what I don't have. During my coaching session with Ayesha I have learnt to be more positive and how to control my finances and time.  I have entered into a new relationship with myself. I now know how to monitor my savings and make my money work for me. Ayesha has taught me something's about myself and the way i use to think, almost like an outer body experience. I couldn't see the way i used to think and how negative I can be. Ayesha’s coaching session was an eye opening! It's like I have brand new eyes and I can now see. I feel happier within myself and more able. As I feel happier I feel like I can deal with my life better. I would recommend Ayesha as she is very passionate at what she does and will work and strive with you until the end result is achieved. She is bubbly very determined knowledgeable and has a lot to give! What I liked best about Ayesha Coaching is the knowledge I have gained. I told Ayesha what I think was wrong in my life and with her expertise she pinpointed what was wrong and knew exactly what  steps I needed to take in order to make change, this steps can also be used throughout my life which is priceless!! Ayesha is fantastic coach, more than qualified at what she does most of all you can feel her passion when she talks to you. These are not just sessions but life changing realizations which can change your whole existence and purpose and to live by for the rest of your life be it for business or personal life gains.”


“After my first coaching session with Ayesha I immediately felt energized and more confident. The session contained practical exercises that helped gain clarity quickly. Ayesha then gave me tasks to do each day which I was excited to try and could implement easily.”

Heather Briggs

“Very insightful. Through I understood the science of stress and anxiety, Ayesha explained it in a way that was practical, and could immediately start altering my liefstyle to reduce stressful situations. I look forward to more sessions” - Su (Solution Focused Hypnotherapy Client)

Today we explored setting intentions. Accepting reality and finding a positive outlook & understanding how the brain works. The hypnotherapy was very relaxing. As a result of today session, I was able to set my goals for the following day” - Cherelle (Solution Focused Hypnotherapy Client)

”Morning Ayesha, Thank you for the consultation it was realy helpful, at first I just wanted to see what all the fuss was all about with hypnotherapy, but at the end of the session, I really enjoyed it and found it helpful. Felt fresh and had a limp in my walk afterwards. I believe these sessions are good for me, and I would like to continue using your services. Thank you. Look forward to our next session” - John (Solution Focused Hypnotherapy Client)

This was our first session. Ayesha really took her time with explaining to me how our brains work and how that affects our everyday life. So much of what she said made sense and helped things click for me. This session put words to certain abstract thoughts and and feelings I have had for so long. Especially the connection between our fight, flight and freeze responses and depression, anxiety and anger. It just made so much sense, like a piece of the puzzle I didn’t realize I was looking for. In this session, taking the time to be transparent and clear about everything helped put my mind at ease. It made me more confident in my decision that this is something that could help me. Thanks to all the new information I learnt today, I was able to recognize when my anxious behaviour was taken over my day and not allowing me to do what I wanted to do today. It’s just day one so pulling myself out and changing my behaviour was hard and I’m not perfect, but I think I’ll sleep better tonight because I was a bit more intentional with balancing my stress with more positive interactions” - Princess (Solution Focused Hypnotherapy Client)